We hope you can join us this Saturday from 6-8 p.m. at Lincoln Peak Winery in New Haven--with free wine tastings, Blue Ledge chevre samples, live jazz, handy DIY home maintenance tips, and not to mention perfect weather, it will be a fun and informative evening!
Tickets are available at the door for $25 a pop ($40 per couple) or 10 bucks for ACCT residents. You can also purchase them online in advance via www.addisontrust.org/Sip4Housing or on our Facebook event page (www.facebook.com/AddisonTrust). See you there!
In spite of rain and thunder, they made it! The first two Vermod units were successfully installed at McKnight Lane today. One duplex down, six to go!
The modular units arrive on a flatbed truck and as you can see are craned onto the foundation. The Vermods weigh about 20 tons a piece. It was quite a sight to see someone's home hanging in the air! ACCT is seeking a Community Engagement Coordinator to enrich housing access among ACCT affordable housing residents and the Addison County community. Responsibilities include developing opportunities that enhance resident housing satisfaction and overall stability, and engaging community partners to identify resources and promote greater collaboration across human service areas. The ideal candidate will be compassionate, organized, self-directed and enthusiastic about participating AmeriCorps. Apply at http://www.vhcb.org/americorps/menu_events/positions. EOE. Today marks the pouring of the final foundation at McKnight Lane, and we can really start to see the neighborhood taking shape: ACCT is actively recruiting applications for the development's waitlist, which is projected to begin leasing in September. Rents will be in the range of $775 for a 2br and $850 for a 3br, including utilities. You can download an application on our website and call Erika at 877-3749 for more information on renting with ACCT, including information on income restrictions and other eligibility criteria which may apply. You can also view floor plans on the McKnight Lane Info Sheet. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Our apartment management division will have limited availability late this week, with a full closure on Friday morning while staff are out at annual inspections.
Champlain Housing Trust recently published an incredible video featuring its work to end chronic homelessness, particularly drawing on resources from the healthcare community. Instead of spending dollars on highly expensive bed nights for homeless individuals who may not need the acute care but who desperately need the shelter, hospitals can direct those dollars to building homes, often at a significantly lower cost. When hospitals invest in housing, chronically homeless patients have a safe supportive environment to return to after being released from medical care. You can read more about this innovative partnership at http://www.getahome.org/news/ending-chronic-homelessness, and watch the video below. Summer is here and along with it sunshine and vacations! ACCT will be closed on July 4th for the holiday and have limited availability during the remainder of the week. Thank you for your patience, and in the meantime, we hope you enjoy the holiday weekend!
AuthorAddison Housing Works staff members share news and information about upcoming events. Archives
January 2025
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