- Forward Motion Family Self Sufficiency Program - Forward Motion or FSS is a work incentive program available to any household with a Section 8 voucher to help them increase economic self-sufficiency. Forward Motion is open to disabled and non-disabled participants who want to work and increase their economic self-sufficiency. Click here for info sheet.
- Micro-Business Development Program - helps low to moderate-income Vermonters start and grow micro businesses, businesses that employ less than five people and generate less than $25,000 in annual revenue. Services include business counseling, technology center access, classes, workshops, and networking.
- Middlebury Career Resource Center - access to personal computers, the Internet, educational resources, information on employers, free workshops, and job fairs.
- Addison County Chamber of Commerce - lists resources for job searching in Addison County and economic organizations.
- The Hannaford Career Center - offers technical, workplace and continuing educational opportunities for the secondary and adult learners of Addison County, including classes in information technology, business, finance and marketing, health careers, sustainable agriculture, skilled butchers and meat cutters, and more.
- Addison County Learning Center - provides adults with essential skills education to further their educational, employment and personal goals by offering work readiness programming to prepare adults for entry, reentry to or promotion in the workplace.
- Vermont Small Business Development Center - located in Middlebury, the VSBDC offers free one-on-one assistance with the process of researching, starting, operating, expanding and selling a business, working with businesses of up to 500 employees.
- Vermont Unemployment Insurance - Unemployment insurance benefits provide temporary financial assistance to workers unemployed through no fault of their own that meet Vermont's eligibility requirements.